Tuesday, March 06, 2007

$2 per Day Challenge

Over at Mustard Seed Associates, again, there is something worth checking out. They have posted a $2 Mutunga Challenge, to eat on $2 per day per person for one week. There is a shopping list and sample recipes. Very thought provoking.

I'd like to try integrate some of these ideas, and the principles behind this, into life in some way - more than just a one week challege. Whether or not any of you, my blog readers, try the actual one week challenge or not, the idea is well worth seriously considering and even implementing in some way. We, as Americans that is, consume so much of the world's food supply and resources in general that it is rather nauseating. Even little steps of change on the individual level could make a huge difference when multiplied by tens of thousands. The power of the web, to get something like this moving in a bigger way is immense.

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