Friday, December 23, 2005

All I want for Christmas is one nice well...

Ok.... not exactly true.... I would like some packages to open on Christmas day... but... I will be glad when the well deal is done. As of yesterday they were drilling about 1/2 mile down the road from me.... their 3rd well over 500 feet deep in one week. One was over 700 feet! Those are fairly rare around here so let's hope they are getting those deep ones out of their system and ours will be a nice 200 -300 feet with great flow. They now say they likely will drill ours on Tuesday.

Our porch sill replacement project is all done. That is a great relief. The siding & window work was also begun but is now stalled for a few days due to Glen's brother-in-law's being in a coma. Glen has needed to spend time out east with the family.... understandably so. Hopefully this next week will see the well and the siding /windows done (or almost so).

Meanwhile, preparations are on for the Christmas Fest here tonight. Expecting over 30 people I think. Hope we can park all those cars. Looking forward to food and fun with friends.... tonight and over the next week at various celebrations.

1 comment:

greenezo said...

700 feet deep!!!?? that is insane!