Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Yup... it is true.. we are just over half way thru the year and I have completed my humanitarian act for 2006.

Yesterday I flew home from Chattanooga and with me I carried a small animal crate with a little cat in it. For 16 hours this adorable and very friendly kitten accompanied me. She tolerated it all very well.

She had been a stray living under the deck at the Schmidt's rental house in Chattanooga. They had been instructed by the landlady to not befriend her. I felt so sorry for her.... she was so effectionate and almost an exact replica of my 2 year old Maine Coon, Surely. So, I bought a small animal crate, and made a reservation for her to accompany me on my Airtran flight. I named her Merci as that is what she needed and also... my other Coon, Surely is named from the verse "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life...." So, now there is Merci joining Surely.

She is here safely. Sleeping a lot today. She found the food bowls and the litter box and is getting used to our dog and other cats. My goal is to find her a home here, tho I admit that will be hard for me. She is so darn cute! But, alas, we already have 3 cats and a dog.

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