Thus ends another week. Hot...steamy...August. Today was really with Laura D, who has decided to move back to the Boston area (Somerville) with her sister and work for DSS, then lunch with Polly and Pam (fun time at Bertuccis), and then LAOS meeting with 2 from the exec. committee (they both liked my ideas..we'll see where it all leads...stay tuned), and finally "coffee" with Baird and Ian to chat...mostly about how to get Sufjan Stevens here to talk before his Sept 7 concert at Pearl St. There was a client in there somewhere too. The only downer of the day was email from the "office" but I am putting it behind me. Life goes on, thank God. This AM, before I ever saw the "jab" email, I was thinking how folks leaving FBC is sort of like the dispersal in Acts... the people were driven out ( they by outright persecution) and it led to even more spread of the Gospel. Parallel: those of us who have begun to spread out feel the losses but we are also making new connections we might not have otherwsie; we are meeting new people from other realms of the Christian family within the Valley and it has been nothing less than reaffirming and even downright inspirational at times. In some cases we have even already been able to connect our new connnections with other new connections. Articles like the Harpers one are affirming on an even larger scale. So, all around....good stuff. Hey...Jess and Ben's new apartment is basically all set more week to go and the next phase will begin for them. Yahoo!
The most astounding thing of the day was my BIG paycheck from one of the insurance companies: here attached. Worth framing I think.
you totally should frame that!!
That paycheck is ridiculous! How did that happen??
The attached advisory said:
this is an adjustment on a previous payment. Questions regarding your network status have ben resolved.
The comapny owes me other money tho so I hope they don't mess that up. Duh!
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