Sunday, October 16, 2005

More Flooding October 15,2005

We had terrible rains last week, on October 8 and it caused local flooding. Then it pretty much rained all week. So, this past Saturday, October 15, when it again poured all day...there was more flooding. Here are a few shots from the Leverett/North Amherst line.


Carol Soules said...

Lots of rain here in Shutesbury but it all runs down to either Montague (north) or North Amherst (south/west). These photos are on the North Amherst/Leverett line. It is the stream that runs into Puffer's Pond eventually.

greenezo said...

oh man thats even higher than when i saw it!! good grief. on random, yet slightly related note, i saw water bubbling out of the ground today as i was waiting for the bus. interesting.