Saturday, October 08, 2005

Thinking of Writing and Looking Back

Today, due to the rain, I decided to do indoor work which this time meant cleaning our bedroom: sorting through stuff, cleaning stuff out, washing curtains, and getting out the winter down comforter and flannel sheets. One shelf had a few older journals of mine. Since I am thinking more about writing for publication these days I decided to take a glimpse at the oldest one there...from February 1985. The first entry had a lot to do with baby Jessica, who was then just over 3 months old. Since her 21 birthday is in a few days, I thought I would blog some of my old journal entry from Febraury 4, 1985 which I had entitled "Interruptions."

"Interruptions'' That's my life these days. I got this piece of paper out to write on over an hour ago. Just as I looked for a pen, Jessica woke up from her nap. She has had a fever yesterday and today. I got her up and changed her. As I washed my hands I noticed how dirty the sink was so I washed it, which then led to cleaning the toilet and tub. In doign so, I noticed the shower curtain was slimy on the bottom so I took it down and put it in the washer. By then Jesscia was tired of sitting in her baby seat watching me clean so I took her down stairs. As I started to put her into her swing so I could write, she began whimpering and I realized she was hungry. So, now, having fed her and put her down for another little nap, I found a pen and sat to write. Then, I was not sure what the date it is today so I had to get back up, go into the kitchen and check the calendar. Now that I finally sit to write I am not sure I can recall what promted me to decide to finally begin this journal today. Pretty soon Jess needs to be awakened as I will be taking her to the doctors..and the wash will be done. Yes, this is how my life goes, especially since the arrival of Jess. Most of the time I just flow from one task to another and then, the day is over and it is time to start supper.

Well, after that intro, Jess slept a while I suppose, or I wrote fast, because I had time to write 2 pages before rushing off to the doctor's. Jess had a bit of the flu as it turned out. Most of the entry was about how I was trying to decide what I wanted to do about the career track verses being more available to my children. Guess the answer to that, 21 years later, is now obvious. :-) I never did go back to any regular agency work where I could work up the career ladder, etc. No regrets tho.


greenezo said...

poor little jet with the flu! long interuption to writing eh?

Jess said...

That's cool to find. Thanks for sharing it!
Love, jet