Saturday, October 22, 2005

Skinner Mt on Friday 10/21/05

On Friday I joined Jess on a hike of Mt. Skinner in South Hadley with the 8th graders from Great Falls Middle School in Turners Falls (where Jess is student teaching). Ben and I helped Jess and the teachers chaperone the 100 or so kids. It was a bit more rigorous than I expected -- I had never climbed Mt Skinner. But the weather was perfect and the views were great. I was with the slowest of the slow hikers, bringing up the rear with 4 kids who barely made it. They were slow for even me, sitting down at every rock out cropping and wondering how they had become convinced to come on this hike! It took us 2X as long as it should have but in the end we made it! Yeah!

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