Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Chairs & more...

Ok...for the sake of "Jet" who is dying to see and can't get up here right way.... here are the chairs. There are two of the beige , "aztec" color and two of the basil print. The living room is totally askew with items from various other rooms crowded in so, don't look at the backdrop. The pics give a general idea, but it is hard to capture the scale, etc. Once we get this place cleaned back up, we'll have some sort of a bash and everyone can get a look-see & sit and relax. Also included is a current pic of the bathroom in progress. The toilet is installed and right now the new vanity is sitting on top of the toilet! Quite funny. The next couple of days should see marked progress there. Boy will I be glad to have that bathroom back!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Yay! Thanks!