Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Big Dig Phase One

NOTICE: The Big Dig of Shute-Ho begins tomorrow.... in less than 12 hours.

The big scooper will arrive and attempt to locate (by means of a snake thru the septic tank??) and uncover our leach box. Yippee.... I can't wait to see our leach tank!! Imagine.... the anticipation and paying all that money to see our very own leach tank.

The inspector will come to view it as well... yippe yipee yipee... on Friday AM after the septic is pumped. Phew! So, for all you praying folks... pray hard that the inspector approves heartily of what he sees in our leach box.. or else we will be finding more exciting ways to spend our precious greenbacks on new and inventive methods of poop dispersal.

Stay tuned for more titillating updates (and hopefully pictures) of our excellent adventures in Shute-Ho.

1 comment:

Carol Soules said...

Hey..the more the merrier. I am hoping this is a once in a lifetime experience for me and I am happy to share it with any others looking for adventure. I will even make tea for all who wish to celebrate the event. Or if the report is bad.... perhaps it will be beer.... so I can cry in mine. 10 AM Friday.... you know the place! Haha!