Thursday, October 19, 2006

Barack's Got a New Book

Shortly after the Democratic Convention 2years, ago I went out and bought Barack's first book. which is sort of an auto-biography. I couldn't believe his keynote address at the convention. "Who IS this guy?" I found myself asking along with thousands of other people. Now he is a possible presidential candidate and has a new book: The Audacity Of Hope. I love the title and I bet I'm gonna love the book too. I am listening to him now on Larry King Live. He said he got the title (and underlying thrust) of the book from a sermon delivered by his pastor, Jeremiah Wright Jr. 18 years ago. Rev Wright has been the pastor of Trinity UCC in Chicago for over 30 years and the church's motto since the 70's, is "Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian."

I am hoping and yes, praying too, that he runs for President (he is being heavily recruited but has not announced yet) and that he wins. One never knows exactly what will happen with any particular person once they are elected but from my lowly seat in this land, I think he is our last (best) hope ~ Barak : US as Obe Wan Kenobi : The Empire :-)

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