Monday, June 27, 2005

Sunday updates

Went to see Nana at 8:30 this am and got back to town about 5PM. Long day but we went out to lunch for lobster rolls , went to the mall for a phone battery, vistied Connie, had ice cream at Friendlies, etc. Good visit overall. Connie is quite depressed tho....crying on an off, etc. He has an MRI tomorrow to see if the abcess in the spine is any better but it doesn't seem like it if you judge by the pain when he sits up. He may go to the Dalton Nursing Home early this week if his MD says he's good enough. That might help..more people he knows, maybe more visitors , less stress on Nana. Nothing new on Nana's potential move to Amherst. Not enough data in for her to make that leap. Hard decision for her.

Big storn hit Amherst just as I got back into town. Took down a huge tree on Amity near ther condos which caused a big detour for hours. Also took out the power at the Panera Plaza, casuing comptuer issues in the stores and took out many lights: RT 116 and Pine, University and Amity, Univeristy and Rt 9, North Maple and Rocky Hill Rd......pretty crazy....branches and leaves all over the place. It didn't hit Shutesbury hard tho gardens would not have held up too well to the hail!

Had a good LAOS meeitng. I am now vice president (after significant reluctance on my part) and will be working on special events for 2005-2006. Any ideas? Any contacts?

Drove by Jess and Ben's new house in Amherst. Looks empty. Waiting for their several weeks. I'll probably get in there this weekend to check things out.



greenezo said...

wow sounds like quite a day! thats great that you are vice president!! big stuff, jess is thrilled too! next time you see connie tell him we say hi, poor guy. man what a crappy situation.

Carol Soules said... is exctitng and scary. LAOS is at an interesitng new crossroads of sorts. And I am at a point where I am VERY reluctant to invest my time and energies in things I don't have tons of control over the outcome of. Makes my anxiety a bit high. Wonder why??

One cool LAOS thing is that another new board member (now Laos treasurer) is Chris Clark. She is staff at the Newman Center....youngish and good ideas. Looks like she and I will be getting together for lunch and brainstorming after I return from WI. She seems pretty awesome.

Jess said...

I think this is very cool. I understand reluctance but I think there is great potential here and it should be fun too. Any talk about the visual identity?

Carol Soules said...

No, I decided I did not have a platform yet to bring up a new topic. Plus I didn't think the whole board is the right place for it. There is some woman who is a LAOS customer and does web stuff (supposedly very good??) who has decided to donate web work. Maybe I will meet her and chat with her about visual identity ideas rather than make it a baord issue. The Board only meets 4 times a year. The rest is done by committee etc. So, I am learning the ropes and channels etc.